Literature  Discussion
May 11, 2023
Literature  Discussion paper for art. Please follow the instructions provided in the picture.
May 11, 2023

Literature  The Invisible Man blog

BloggingToolsWordpress,Wix,Tumblr,Blogger,Squarespace, and many moreI  have read this novel many times throughout my life, and I have to say  that even in this last read of August 2020 I still have not fully  understood the impact of these characters lives. Our Invisible Man, the  main character, travails through what could be considered a dark journey  of self-understanding in a society that had labeled and categorized him  lower, than he hoped for his future.  Becoming invisible or realizing  that he was invisible took a long time. What  I would like for you to do  as a student of Ellison’s work is to simply read one chapter at a time,  chew-it-up in your brain, create a blog and provide analysis of his  life. Each post should be around 500 words or more.My  goal is for you, my student to enjoy and understand the psychological,  physical, and at times, the economic characteristics of  marginalized sub-cultures. The individual might have the best of  intentions but there is a greater force that chops, collates,  dismantles, murders, and gingerly and tender hands eradicates a person  from ones hopes and dreams. I am not quizzing you on this novel I am not  asking you to write a literary analysis. What I am asking is for you to  reflect in your writing after each chapter in a blog. Please link your  blog to the discussion board.

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