Literature  Module 02 Literature Project – Thesis and Map
May 11, 2023
Literature  Conrad’s Heart of Darkness
May 11, 2023

Literature  theory12536

Objective: Your objective is to demonstrate your ability to research and critically analyze information that can support your project’s thesis.Caution: The three sources you use for this assignment must be different from the three that you wrote about in Assignment 1, your literature review. Focus your research for this step assignment on academic and business sector research studies on possible resolutions to your workplace communication problem.(*Remember, if you are not employed or cannot discuss your workplace, you should be using a communication problem from another organizational setting in which you are involved for your final project, such as school, church, or a community group.)Each entry must include a reference formatted according to American Psychological Association (6th edition) style rules and an analysis as described below. You should be able to use the material that you develop here in your final project. Before you tackle this exercise, please make sure you have read the Week 4 course materials.Required Research: You must use at least six authoritative sources in your final project, at least three of which must be scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles about communication research studies from the UMGC library’s databases. For this assignment, you will document your research on possible resolutions of your workplace* communication problem by writing an analytical annotated bibliography about three authoritative sources that you found in the UMGC library and plan to use in your project to support your thesis. Look for academic and business sector research studies on possible resolutions to your workplace communication problem.To find appropriate resources, use the UMGC library’s portal to communication studies resources at . For help finding academic journal articles, see the UMGC library’s resource, “Locate and Evaluate Scholarly Articles,” at . Two online sources can be among your resources, but their credibility must be verified. See the library’s handout, “Is My Source Credible?,” at for help.Although you may review the in our classroom resources to select and come to understand the communication theory or theories that you want to use in your final project, dictionaries and encyclopedias cannot be included in your Analytical Annotated Bibliography or the references for your final project. A relevant YouTube video may be included as one of the internet sources, provided it has been evaluated for credibility.Format: The Analytical Annotated Bibliography must contain the following information:Use an APA-style title page.Repeat the title of your assignment at the top of Page 2.Provide the name of the communication theory you are using in your final project.Provide the thesis you are working with at this point in your project’s development.Create an APA-style reference citation for the resource.Write a paragraph annotation of between 100-200 words (excluding APA-style reference) that answers at least the following questions:What is the resource about? Summarize its purpose, findings, argument, and/or conclusions.What is the resource’s greatest strength in relation to your project’s focus? Assess the resource’s strengths, weaknesses, or biases.What role will the resource play in your project? Evaluate the resource’s relevance to your project.Repeat Nos. 5 and 6 above for each of your three sources.

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