Literature  Unit 6: Frankenstein (Film/Novel)

Literature  American Literature
May 12, 2023
Literature  Two essay > 5 paragraph each
May 12, 2023

Literature  Unit 6: Frankenstein (Film/Novel)

Choose two questions to answer:Describe your chosen film for your classmates. As part of the description, show us what you believe the film’s argument and focus to be. What genre would your film fit in? How does your film develop similarities or differences with the novel?What do you believe the ultimate argument of the novel Frankenstein to be? How can we develop this argument as part of a class in serial killer media? As this is the only novel that we’ll be reading from the 18th century, how does this older work inform the writings that we have thus far read in class?Why does Frankenstein’s monster kill in the novel? This is a deceptively simple question, so let me elaborate just a bit. What is his reason and motive for revenge? How does the monster admit that all of his killing could have been avoided? What moral burden does this place on us as readers?

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