Literature  Writing Analysis
May 14, 2023
Literature  1500 reaction paper
May 14, 2023

Literature  week two discussion forum

Discussion Question:Describe an ethical decision you have made at some time in your life, and try to remember what your reasoning was in coming to a final course of action. Now rate your moral reasoning according to Bentham’s Hedonistic Calculus, and then compare your reasoning in the situation with Mill’s revised Utilitarian thesis. Does your thinking coincide with the tenets of either Bentham’s or Mill’s version of Utilitarianism? Reflect on your own moral decision-making process from the standpoint of Utilitarian ethics (be sure to explain how Mill’s version of Utilitarianism differs from Bentham’s). Do you live your life according to some version of Utilitarianism? Why or why not?-read the Chapter 4,5,6, then answer the question above-In the essay-style forums responses, you should express a point of view and support your view with good reasons, evidence, examples, expert opinion, etc.-two pages, MLA

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