Literature  What does it mean to be a leader?

Literature  Draft assignment
May 14, 2023
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May 14, 2023

Literature  What does it mean to be a leader?

We often think of leaders as holding positions of authority, such as presidents and CEOs of big-name corporations or prominent leaders of non-profit organizations. However, in John Maxwell’s article Lead From Where You Are he states that the number 1 misconception people have about leadership is the belief that leadership comes from having a position or title. Before reading this article, what would you consider to be defining traits and behaviors of a successful leader? Has your perspective changed after reading the article? If so, how?The posts must include and,  least 1 comment and 1 response to the question. I am looking for detail and examples. If you are thinking it, write it down. Feel free to post more than 1 comment.

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