Literature  critical review essay
May 10, 2023
Literature  literature
May 10, 2023

Literature  WIBW 3

Post a video, article, poem, visual, podcast, original art (drawings, photographs, poems, etc.) that relates to the readings and conversation from Monday’s reading assignments.Part 1: You Post. By 1pm MST on that Wednesday, write a post where you include your chosen rhetorical act (video, article, etc.) with a brief summary (1 paragraph, 3-4 sentences). Then write 1-2 paragraphs about why this rhetorical act made you “wind it back” and reflect deeper on the conversation from Monday. What did the act remind you of from our conversation? How did seeing this rhetorical act help you understand the content and/or context more? How does the piece relate (or not relate) to your personal experiences? What questions came up for you that you want to continue dialogically talking about? You can post anytime after our Monday class, but please do not wait until Wednesday morning to post Part 1. That is when it’s due, but try to turn this in while Monday’s class is still fresh.

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