Literature  BIO CRITICAL
May 11, 2023
Literature  Reading Response
May 11, 2023

Literature  Writing Analysis

Need to write one page consisting of 2-3 paragraphs only, answering the following in each paragraph.Paragraph one -On Page 212-213, Maria Warner defines the “dowery” and discusses where the “absent mother” plot comes from. how would you summarize her argument by referring to or quoting from both page 202-205 and 212-213? What else stood out to you abut mothers-in-law are represented in these stories?. In what ways does the biological mother’s absence create the conditions that are required for the female protagonist to be “saved” by a male lover?Paragraph two – threeHow do we see women’s purity, villainy, and/or helplessness reflected in the Grimm stories?. Can you draw any connections between the dynamics of these stories and Warner’s discussion of women’s role in fairy tales.

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