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April 28, 2021

Mapping the Essay

I need someone to answer “Map of your essay” questions(You are not going to write the essay, just mapping it):

Do a close-reading of Langston Hughes’ “Harlem.” Your essay should have a thesis at the end of the first paragraph. Your thesis must logically result from a careful consideration of the poem. Your thesis should tell us something complex that you realize about the poem based upon your analysis.

The body of your essay should explain and develop your thesis through analysis of how the poem works. Each paragraph of your essay should direct our attention not only to what the poet says, but also to the way in which he says it. As you draw our attention to specific literary elements—including such elements as imagery, metaphors, similes, rhyme, sounds, allusions, punctuation, etc.—make sure to explain how those elements connect to your thesis. In other words, tell us how an analysis of those elements provides you with deeper insight into your idea.

Finally, your essay should have a conclusion that both ties together your analysis and gives us something new to think about.

Throughout your essay, when you include references from the poem, include the line numbers in parentheses. When you include a quotation that includes two or more lines, use a slash to demonstrate line breaks.

“Harlem” by Langston Hughes

What happens to a dream deferred?

Does it dry up

like a raisin in the sun?

Or fester like a sore –

And then run?

Does it stink like rotten meat?

Or crust and sugar over –

like a syrupy sweet?

Maybe it just sags

like a heavy load.

Or does it explode


Once you have read the prompt write out answers to the questions below using the following headings.


–How will you draw us in and introduce us to the essay’s main topic?

–What will your thesis will be?


–For each paragraph of the essay, think about the evidence you will use, the idea the evidence will help you convey, and how that idea connects to your main idea or thesis. Tell us the following, using the headings below:

EVIDENCE: ___(specific detail from the poem)

IDEA: __________________

CONNECTION TO THESIS:_______________

You should have at least 3 specific quotations from the poem as evidence. Make sure to write in complete sentences. Do not use sentence fragments or phrases.


–What type of evidence might you include in your conclusion? What idea might you leave us thinking about?

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