mgmt455 1304b 03 business policies and strategies 3

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October 7, 2021

mgmt455 1304b 03 business policies and strategies 3

Prepare, in a table format, a SWOTT analysis on any real company in the auto industry. As you prepare your analysis, it must be based on the following definitions for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats, and trends.

  • Strengths: These are characteristics of a company that are stronger than its competitors are. If a company is good at something, but its competitors are as well, then it is not a strength.
  • Weaknesses: These are characteristics of a company that are weaker than its competitors are. If a company is weak at something, but its competitors are as well, then it is not a weakness.
  • Opportunities: These are issues that are external to a company that can affect the company and its competitors in a favorable way.
  • Threats: These are issues that are external to a company that can affect the company and its competitors in an unfavorable way.
  • Trends: These are developing opportunities and threats.

Deliverable Format

The table should have columns with the following labels:

  • Strength
  • Weakness
  • Opportunity
  • Threat
  • Trend

It should have at least 8 rows for factors that you feel are important to the success of a firm in that particular industry.

For example, factors could include regulatory issues, financial resource issues, leadership issues, innovation issues, etc.

Cells should have 1–2 sentences of explanation as to why each has been identified as a strength, weakness, opportunity, threat, or trend. Not every identified factor will have all of its its row of cells annotated.

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