mktg case studies 5

it assignment 9903719 2
January 18, 2021
55 D3
January 18, 2021

mktg case studies 5


Read the case studies of Drafting CEO’s Speech, Chapter 16 pg. 339 and Resurrecting the brand of Michael Vick found in Chapter 17 pg. 356. Answer the following questions in essay form. Minimum 600 words, APA Format, 2 References.
PASSWORD: apusstudent

Step 1: Read the case thoroughly with a view to understanding the Public Relations issues illustrated by the case. Make sure you discriminate between information which is relevant and that which is superfluous and/or ambiguous.

Step 2: Define clearly and concisely the basic problems (or issues) in the case. Then identify the main issues. Do not be confused with “symptoms.” Identify the key decisions to be made.

Step 3: Use the information and facts provided in the case to analyze the situation. This would include understanding the situaton, an analysis of the environment (if applicable)– for example, are there particular strengths and weaknesses, external opportunities and threats (SWOT analysis), etc. that should be mentioned?

Step 4: Based on your analysis from step 3 above, identify possible alternative strategy solutions to cope with the problem(s)/Issue(s) you have identified in step 2 above. State any assumptions you make, and feel free to make assummptions in order for the strategies to work. Evaluate the pros and cons of each alternative considered. This should form the main focus of your attention in the case analysis.

Step 5: Recommend a course of action (if appropriate), selecting the alternative proposed in step 3 above. Which would you consider most appropriate to solve the problems you have identified in step 2 above taking into consideration the analysis made in step 3? Include some specifics regarding how the recommendations may be implemented by the marketing team. Note: You should edit your recommendations based on the latest web-information that you can access by going to the company’s website.


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