narrative essay 30

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narrative essay 30

Narrative Essay

Write a 500 to 750 word essay using narration as the chief method of development.

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Writing Assignment

Purpose: to inform

Method of Development: narration

For topics, see the list at the end of Chapter 4, Narration, in
The Longman Reader. Choose one, or notify me through Messages if you have a topic of your own that you would prefer to use.


  1. Brainstorm for topics.
  2. Organize your ideas.
  3. Check the syllabus for due dates.

General Assignments

Using narration, develop one of these topics into an essay.

  1. An emergency that brought out the best or worst in you
  2. The hazards of taking children out to eat
  3. An incident that made you believe in fate
  4. Your best or worst day at school or work
  5. An important learning experience
  6. A narrow escape
  7. Your first date or first day on the job
  8. A memorable childhood experience
  9. An unpleasant confrontation
  10. An imagined meeting with a historical figure

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