Nikon Coolpix Digital Camera writing homework help

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March 9, 2023

Nikon Coolpix Digital Camera writing homework help

Respond to this post using 200 to 220 words included a citation in the response

I opened my junk drawer and saw items which do not have similarities. I just saw my digital cameras, USB cables and thumb drives.

The first item is Nikon Coolpix Digital Camera. Nikon Coolpix Digital Camera, with its optical zoom is a wonderful camera with which I have traveled across seas and cities and took my unforgettable pictures and videos. It is an interesting very useful technology. I have taken my families birthdays and weedings, graduations, sceneries and wild life and a lot.

The second item is all types of USB cables, the mini B5 Pin Cables for cellphones, cameras, GPSs, MP3 players, I was using them to my camera, TV, laptop, cellphones. I will take them out whenever I use them but never remember where they are unless there is a need.

The third item were USB flash drives.These are two SanDisk 16 GB and Ultra 32 GB Flash drives. I remember as I have stored very useful documents, pictures and unimportant documents too. These are documents from my previous offices, personal, graduate school, my published books and pictures I have taken long ago.

Each of these items are electronics, information technology devices , that were very useful for input, output processing and storage. Using my, camera, USB connectors and USB flash drives with my laptop I have sent data, documents, pictures and video to people at distant locations. Usman and Said (2012) argued as technological devices have risen to the highest level because they have provided connectivity at any locality and also changed peoples life. These technologies have a meaningful impact in my life too.

Usman N., Said, I. (2012) Impact of technological devices on information and communication technology acceptance for

construction site management in Nigeria. Journal of Emerging Trends in Computing and Information Sciences.

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