Nursing Educational deficit:The Educational deficit is the lack of knowledge that a diet which consist of red meats and processed meats increases the incidence of cancer. Part of the solution is the adoption of a vegetarian diet or a reduction in the cons

mgt402 lasa 2 final project report
January 18, 2021
3 page paper (within 7hours due)
January 18, 2021

Nursing Educational deficit:The Educational deficit is the lack of knowledge that a diet which consist of red meats and processed meats increases the incidence of cancer. Part of the solution is the adoption of a vegetarian diet or a reduction in the cons

Consider the clinical environment in which you are currently working or have recently worked. Identify a problem, issue, or educational deficit upon which to build a proposal for change.

In a paper of no more than 800 words, describe the nature of the problem, issue, or educational deficit. Include the following in your discussion:
1.The setting and/or context in which the problem, issue, or educational deficit can be observed.
2.Detailed description of the problem, issue, or educational deficit.
3.Impact of the problem, issue, or educational deficit on the work environment, the quality of care provided by staff, and patient outcomes.
4.Gravity of the problem, issue, or educational deficit and its significance to nursing.
5.Proposed solution to address the problem, issue, or educational deficit.

The Educational deficit is the lack of knowledge that a diet which consist of red meats and processed meats increases the incidence of cancer. Part of the solution is the adoption of a vegetarian diet or a reduction in the consumption of these meats

Please utilize at least one reference from the American Cancer Society.


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