perform an internet search to find information about a situation involving 1

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March 9, 2023
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March 9, 2023

perform an internet search to find information about a situation involving 1

Perform an Internet search to find information about a situation involving a medication error (e.g. incorrect dosing, incorrect route, mistake interpreting prescription, etc.).

In your initial post, write a brief summary listing the elements involved in the scenario and provide a link to the story so your classmates can view your source. Be sure to indicate whether or not the story specifies which type of medical professional administered the medication. If so, please identify it.

Review the stories shared by your classmates and reply to at least one of them. Your response-post should address one or more of the following:

  • The rights of drug administration exist in an attempt to prevent medication errors.
    • Which of the rights of drug administration were not followed?
    • What circumstances may have led to medication error?
  • What changes have been made in recent years to help reduce the likelihood of medication errors?
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