Ok, you have been permitted to express your true creative self and develop a Web page for a topic that interests you so that you can be truly fulfilled in life.
Some suggested project topics: Offices (Lawyers, doctors, accountants, small stores…), day care centers, baseball, football, basketball, other sports, hunting/fishing, clothing, cars are among many topics.
The construction of the web page must be logically correct and all parts of it must relate in some way to the purpose of the web page. Web pages which are designed solely to meet grading standards as simply an accumulation of unrelated information will not be accepted.
Cheating or Plagiarism
It is the prerogative of the instructor to verify whether the student performed outside work. In addition, web pages can be refused for credit if evidence of cheating or copying of work from other sources is found to be present. Specifically, projects cannot come from other books or classes.
Grading standards
You can choose any combination of features to reach 100 points. It is worth 20% of your final grade. Any feature that is not explained correctly in the verification with the instructor will not be given credit in the grad
How do I verify my Personal project ?
You will sit down with me with your disk and pull up your project. I will pick out selected features in your web page and will ask you to identify in Notepad where the HTML code is for this feature. In addition, I will pull up your HTML code in Notepad and ask you to identify sections of HTML code and where those results show up in the Web page.
Usage of hexadecimal to define color (2 points each; maximum 4 points)
Color enhancement using hsla or rgba (3 points each, maximum of 6 points)
Changing the list style type (3 points each; maximum 6 points)
18. Links or embedded video or audio clips (10 points)
19. Table (3 points each; maximum 3 points)
CSS table formatting (2 points each; maximum 6 points)
20. Box Model (2 points per property (i.e. padding, border, margin; maximum 12 points)
21. Background-Image (3 points; maximum 3 points)
22. Usage of overflow (2 points; maximum 4 points)
Javascript functions or applets (5 points on your final grade)
Submitting the Assignment
Submit all files used for your project to Blackboard under Assignment Tab.
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