Philosophy 110 What are Plato’s and Aquinas’s respective positions

By reflecting on your values, morals, and what brought you to the profession originally, you should be able to articulate your own personal philosophy.
February 14, 2021
Research paper
February 14, 2021

Philosophy 110 What are Plato’s and Aquinas’s respective positions

What are Plato’s and Aquinas’s respective positions on these three general questions: (1) Describe the relative reality of universals and particulars and describe how they are known (Plato, Republic, 476a-480a, 500b-d,505b-517d,540a-b; Aquinas, A Summary of Philosophy, pp. 26, par.3, 72-4, 80-5, 87-90; (2) what are their respective ethical theories and the reason for taking morally correct actions once known(Plato, Republic, 331b-368d, 419-421c, 433c-445b, 540a-b, 567d-592a, 608b-613e; Aquinas, On Law, Morality, and Politics, pp. 178, 183, pars. 2-5, 190-5); (3) What is the best political state and what are their respective views on private or communal property, marriage and the proper role of women, slaves, unbelievers, and treatment of the lower classes (Plato, Republic, 368c-541b-541b, & 590c-d; Aquinas, on kingship, in offprint of such and in Aquinas, On Law Morality, and Politics, pp. 102, par.7, 103-5, 115-6, 183, 190-5, 203, par.2, 207-9, 12-13; see also offprint from Aquinas, Summa Contra Gentiles, Summa Theologica, and On Kingship, pp. 152-3, 879-83, and 65-67, respectively).

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