please answer these 6 questions

Your project is to develop a Holistic Living Guidelines as if you are writing an instructional guide for your patients and/or colleagues. Download the HLC syllabus for further details.
May 16, 2021
article response
May 16, 2021

please answer these 6 questions

Please answer these 6 questions.. answers are online. I am on way to work so dont have time to do the homework.

Questions 1. Define the three primary types of decision-making systems and explain how Obama’s campaign team used them to win votes.

2. Describe the difference between transactional and analytical information and determine which types Spotlight Analysis used to identify its 10 tribes.

3. Illustrate the business process model used to identify the 10 tribes.

4. Explain business process reengineering and how Obama’s team used it to develop political micro-targeting.

5. Formulate different metrics the Obama team used to measure the success of political micro-targeting.

6. Argue for or against the following statement: Political micro-targeting signals the dehumanization of politics.

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