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Prospectus Rubric
July 21, 2021
Philosophy Paper
July 21, 2021

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Your major project (due week 7) will be a literature review on a topic related to your psychology program.  You will develop this paper in stages during Weeks 5, 6, and 7.

According to the APA manual (p. 10),

“Literature reviews, including research syntheses and meta-analyses, are critical evaluations of material that has already been published. In meta-analyses, authors use quantitative procedures to statistically combine the results of studies. By organizing, integrating,and evaluating previously published material, authors of literature reviews consider the progress of research toward clarifying a problem. In a sense, literature reviews are tutorials, in that authors

  • define and clarify the problem;
  • summarize previous investigations to inform the reader of the state of research;
  • identify relations, contradictions, gaps, and inconsistencies in the literature; and
  • suggest the next step or steps in solving the problem.

The components of literature reviews can be arranged in various ways (e.g., by grouping research based on similarity in the concepts or theories of interest, methodological similarities among the studies reviewed, or the historical development of the field).”

For this assignment, you will create an annotated bibliography and an outline, two documents that will help you create your research paper due in week 7.

  • The annotated bibliography should be formatted using the example provided.  For this week you are only required to have 5 peer-reviewed articles in your annotated bibliography, but you will need a total of 10 articles for your first draft in Week 6 and your final paper in Week 7.
  • The outline should include your paper topic and the anticipated sections for your paper (no more than 3 main sections). Under each area include detailed information, including the purpose of that section in relation to the paper. This outline is not complete or final, but should provide enough detailed information so that you may receive helpful feedback for this paper.
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