please respond to the following post 13

argumentative essay 101
April 14, 2021
The HR functions involving the selection and retention of the diverse employee have legal and ethical ramifications. What are some of the diversity ramifications, and how do health care organizations characterize components such as minority programs?
April 14, 2021

please respond to the following post 13

Please respond to the following post with a long paragraph, with a response to the following paragraph with your opinion, add citations and references.

Nurses provide essential services, are knowledgeable about client needs, and interact closely with health care consumers across a variety of care settings ( (American Nurses Association, n.d.)It does not matter what kind of nurse a person is, every patient or client needs for them to be their advocate. From critical care to correctional nursing to case management we are in a role to be a liaison between the patient, possibly their family and the physician or healthcare organization. We need to speak up on their behalf. Educate so they understand the reasoning and importance of whatever treatment they may be receiving and when appropriate teach them how to be their own best advocate

In the cancer center I work in we advocate for our patients with every single encounter. Each of our patients have a treatment plan in place. The oncologist meets with each patient at least one time per month, sometimes more often depending on the plan. This encounter forces the MD to review the plan and allows us to treat for each subsequent dose of chemo. Within these treatment plans are parameters that must be met, blood counts, vital signs, etc. Even our check in process can stop them receiving their treatment for the day. It is important for us to do a thorough medication review, symptoms review, lab review and if anything is off it forces us to talk to the doctor before beginning treatment. Even if the plan is signed and he gave his OK, we are the last step to make sure it is still safe for them to receive treatment. Recently upon checking in a patient, she complained of “a knot” in her neck. She thought it was probably nothing, maybe a pulled muscle, but something did not seem right to me. It was hard, palpable, and mass like. The patient was trying hard to dismiss it, and really wanted to proceed with treatment, they know that missing chemo can set them back and lead to progression. I went and spoke to the doctor, he immediately came and assessed the situation and she was sent out for further testing. Come to find out she was diagnosed with a clot in her jugular vein. She was at serious risk for pulmonary embolism. Had she received treatment that day, it could have changed her platelet counts and caused a change in the size of that clot. Leading to serious life altering or limiting situation. Had I not done a thorough check in with her and review of her treatment plan, this may not have been caught. We are sometimes advocating for their needs without even realizing it.


American Nurses Association. (n.d.). Retrieved from…

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