Please read all the directions carefully:
Read the attached files and submit the following:
1) Presentation Prospectus:
in a word document, (1-2 pages) submit the following:
- The broad topic which you are exploring
- Your key idea (thesis statement) which you wish to share with your classmates
- An outline of your presentation
- An explanation of how you are going to do your presentation (PowerPoint)
- An annotated bibliography of all works cited/used in your presentation.
2) Presentation:
(at least 15 slides) Using at least two credible outside resources
By using PowerPoint, make sure that it can “stand alone” as a teaching tool. Most speakers use PowerPoint to clarify that which they are saying.
- The title of your presentation
- The key idea you have chosen to share in your presentation
- The information which you wish to share with your classmates
- Works cited/bibliography
One thought provoking question to which your classmates can respond substantively
* I will send the rest of the chapter soon.
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