pricing decision marketing homework help

January 12, 2021

pricing decision marketing homework help

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View the Chapter 19 – Pricing Concepts video.……

Ski Butternut is a ski mountain in the Berkshires dedicated to offering a great family ski value. In this video, Matt Sawyer discusses the various ways that Ski Butternut uses pricing to drive new business and local business to the mountain. He also discusses how correct pricing, with input from a seasoned and motivated sales team, can help the next year’s business model through the development of a professional sales training program.

After viewing this company’s video, write an 800 word paper that addresses the following questions:

  1. How do the product, place, and promotion elements of Ski Butternut’s marketing mix influence the pricing strategy the company has chosen?
  2. Would you expect demand for Ski Butternut lift tickets to be elastic? Why or why not?
  3. What role do the product life cycle, competition, and perceptions of quality play in Ski Butternut’s pricing?
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