Quantify Qualify and Evaluate Project Risks management homework help

January 12, 2021

Quantify Qualify and Evaluate Project Risks management homework help

Risk Matrix

Module 04 Course Project – Quantify, Qualify, and Evaluate Project Risks

Fill out the project risk assessment matrix (template linked below). Be sure to include the following information in the matrix:

  • Identify and name at least three risks and name them (Risk name)
  • Determine the expected costs for each named risk
  • Determine the Risk Probability for each named risk
  • Factored Risk Value (should automatically calculate using the provided template)
  • Determine the Risk Impact to project (using drop down menu in the provided template)
  • Provide the Risk Mitigation Plan
  • Provide the Expected Risk retire date (when the risk is no longer a risk)

Risk Assessment Matrix

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