Quantify Risks and Opportunities business and finance homework help

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Quantify Risks and Opportunities business and finance homework help

Now that you have developed a solid foundation for understanding the risk or opportunity management process to be employed for the kitchen remodeling project, it is now time to commence the process for building a risk template. The project manager has identified, quantified, categorized, and planned for the risk management process. The project manager will be building a risk template (in spreadsheet format) utilizing the information researched during prior weeks for the project. The template should identify and quantify 30-45 risks.

Suggestions for the template- Provide an explanation or description of the project, apply the information results of prior assignments to design and build a project risk template in a spreadsheet format. Template should have four categories – Risk, Likelihood, Effected Task(s), and Assumptions. The category titles can be modified as needed.

Length: 5-7 pages, not including title and reference pages; APA formatting, 5-7 references within the last 5 years.

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