Radical Functions 3 questions algebra homework help

January 12, 2021

Radical Functions 3 questions algebra homework help

Please show all work for each problem. This includes any calculations, diagrams, or graphs that helped you solve it.

  1. OPEN ENDED Write a number whose principal square root and cube root are both integers.
  2. Writing in Math Refer to the information on page 422 to explain how the nth roots apply to geometry. Analyze what happens to the value of r as the value of V increases. Page 422 is in the attachments
  3. Writing in Math Refer to the information on page 417 to explain how square root functions can be used in bridge design. Assess the weights for which a diameter less than 1 is reasonable. Evaluate the amount of weight that the Sunshine Skyway Bridge can support. Page 417 is in the attacments.
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