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March 21, 2021
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March 21, 2021

Reading Assignment

NO PLAGIARISM PLEASE. Below is a link to read and I have included chapter 6 of the required textbook reading. 1. Go to the following website and skim over some of the older stats on diversity in law enforcement: ****Make sure to refer to chapter SIX (6) of the coursebook “purpose and organization” to provide the backdrop needed for the current extra credit assignment. 2. After reading the main page, scroll down to the bottom and locate the section on the different groups and membership organizations devoted to the advancement of women and minorities in law enforcement. Select THREE (3) of the groups and answer the questions titled “organization questions” for each of the groups. Type each section of responses separately for each of the groups you select. Therefore, this means that questions (a-f) should all be answered for the first group you select, and then the second group, and finally the third group, separately. 3.) Lastly, provide answers to the questions titled “Community Policing”. ORGANIZATION QUESTIONS: a.When and why was this organization founded or what is the mission of the organization? b.Do they have and guiding principles? If so, what are they and do any of the their guiding principles tie into community policing? Explain why or why not? c.What does the term “community policing” mean to you? Please be specific in your answer by providing examples of things you may have witnessed in your community (or a lack thereof) or another community that make you think of community policing. d. What type of resources do they (the organization) provide and for whom? e. What special policy initiatives do you think can be made from the work of an organization such as this? f. Do you think organizations such as these have actually aided in the mistreatment and discrimination experienced by this underrepresented group. Explain your answer. COMMUNITY POLICING: 1.) How does the book define “police-community relations”? 2.) How does PCR differ from “strategic policing” and which of the two has been shown to be most effective in the past 20 years? 3.) How does the book define “community policing” and What impact or effect do you think the organizations above have had on “community policing” in major cities? Smaller cities?

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