Reasons why people believe in God

Identify a research or evidence-based article that focuses comprehensively on a specific intervention or new diagnostic tool for the treatment of diabetes in adults or children. FO
April 30, 2021
Research position paper
April 30, 2021

Reasons why people believe in God

Blaise Pascal, William James, and various “Reformed epistemologists” all maintain, in one way or another, that there are good nonevidential reasons to believe in God. Think about specific people in your own life who believe in God. There is no need to name names or otherwise identify who it is you are thinking about. If you were to ask those people why they believe in God, what kind of answers do you suspect you would get? Are they evidential reasons or nonevidential reasons? Are those people completely irrational for believing what they believe? Why or why not? (NOTE: Try to look at these beliefs objectively. Regardless of your own beliefs, think about the answers to these questions from the mindset of someone that thinks differently from you.)

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