relationship between software engineering and computer science

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April 1, 2021

relationship between software engineering and computer science


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1. Describe the relationship between Software Engineering and Computer Science 2a. When we say that dependability and security are an attribute of good software, what do we mean by dependability? b. What do we mean by security? 3. What does the principle of “people not process” mean in respect to agile development methodology? 4a. What type of data does an ethnography allows us to collect as a requirements discovery technique? b. How would the data collected be different between doing open interviews and closed interviews as a requirements discovery technique? (Note, you’re not being asked to define the terms, bur rather, describe the resulting data from each) 5. What was the great software crisis of the 1960’s about, and why did it lead to the development of the Software Engineering discipline? 6a. When is it appropriate (theoretically) to use the waterfall process model of software engineering? b. When is it appropriate (theoretically) to use the incremental process model of software engineering? 7a. When we talk about “completeness” as a check during Requirements Validation, what are we referring to? b. When we talk about “realism” as a check during Requirements Validation, what are we referring to? 8. What is typically discussed in a Scrum? CSIT 425 MidTerm Exam (Fall 2018) 9. Which types of software engineering projects are best suited for agile development approaches? 10. Briefly explain how <

> and <

> are being used in this diagram.

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