Research prices for three different commercial flannel board sets writing homework help

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March 11, 2023
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March 11, 2023

Research prices for three different commercial flannel board sets writing homework help

Please make 2 separate documents, one for discussion and one for the assignment.

Minimum 250 words each

Lesson 8 Discussion

Research prices for three different commercial flannel board sets.

Describe the board sets and provide online links to them. Then research the cost to make homemade versions of each of the three board sets you researched.

Provide lists of supplies and costs showing the side by side totals for commercial vs. homemade sets. Then describe how using flannel boards in early care centers applies to you. Include personal and/or professional applications.

Lesson 8 Assignment

Compile a list of five games that can be used within the classroom that will promote speech. Choose three of the games on your list and provide a brief description of each game and a rationale as to why you have chosen these three games. How will each of the three games that you have chosen to highlight, benefit a child’s speech?

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