Respond to two peer initial posts. Replies must add value and interation to the discussion.

Discuss the ethical implications associated with psychological research that involves human subjects
June 1, 2021
Two English Discussion
June 2, 2021

Respond to two peer initial posts. Replies must add value and interation to the discussion.

STUDENT1: james

Correctness and credibility work together to give a business paper merit. Credibility is trust the writer gains from the reader by providing short, concise, personal, and a strong perspective on a topic (Maslansky, 2013). Credibility means delivering accurate information to the proper targeted audience. A document should be short, accurate, and delivered in a timely manner to the appropriate people. People gain credibility by citing trusted sources, being honest, and also providing company history or even history about the author. The notion of correctness is using proper spelling, punctuation, tone, and conciseness (Johnston, 2017).

One example I can relate to in regards to credibility is the weekly newsletter in my company. This newsletter is frequent and delivered every Tuesday with normally accurate information. It is vital that every employee named in this publication is properly identified. Thousands of employees read this publication every week and it should be free of grammatical and spelling errors.

I actually had a document over this past weekend that had errors in that made me feel the need to review the product. My wife and I assembled a double tree stand for this upcoming hunting season. Several of the steps in the directions were misrepresented or inaccurate with the parts. We had one step that we reread several times before concluding the manufacturer made errors in the assembly directions. We managed to finish the project; however, we emailed the company to address the credibility issue.

One thing that I use to ensure proper grammar and spelling is the Grammarly plugin for Microsoft Office. Grammarly is an add-on service that provides additional coverage to find errors the Microsoft platform may not find.


Works Cited

Johnston, K. (2017). Chron. Retrieved from…

Maslansky, M. (2013, February 12). MSI. Retrieved from Marketing Science Institute:…

STUDENT 2: Gregory

Hello, everyone!

The textbook definition of credibility is “the quality of being believed or accepted as true, real, or honest.” (Merriam-Webster) Establishing credibility early on is crucial when preparing documents, memos, and emails.

According to the 6 C’s that we learned about last week, correctness is defined as ensuring accuracy. Ensuring accuracy includes spelling, grammar, punctuations, and dates, just to name a few. A reader may find it difficult to understand or follow along if the author does not use proper punctuation or spelling.

Recently, I started a new job in an office that provides housing for employees that work for the Joint Defense Site. I have made it my personal goal to update the templates that are used to send information to the tenants in US Government housing. Unfortunately, throughout most of the templates, which have been used for many years, there are multiple spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors. A week before I started this job, a mass memo was sent out regarding lawn care. Due to information being unclear, it has caused an increase in phone calls and emails to the office. The memo stated that tenants should call the office if they have trees that are over 6 feet tall so they can be trimmed. What the writer of the memo intended to relay, was to contact the office if branches of trees that are over 6 feet tall were at risk of causing injury to individuals or damage to houses. Due to this mistake, tenants who called about their trees being over 6 feet tall may ignore memos regarding tree trimming in the future.

Thanks! J

Rofail, Amy. Elements of an Academic Essay.

“Credibility.” Merriam-Webster, n.d. Web. 16 Aug. 2017.

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