Why is evidence-based practice (EBP) important to the nursing profession? Discuss how evidence-based practice is being integrated into clinical practice. Provide an example from your nursing practice, experiences, or the literature.
February 25, 2021
Discussion 2
February 25, 2021

response paper of Ikiru

Submit typed, 2-page, double-spaced responses papers at the end of the first class in which a particular film is discussed. Response papers are short, informal essays in which you freely express your own personal thoughts, impressions, questions, critiques, etc. concerning the film under consideration. They are not simply descriptions of the film or plot summaries. For these film response papers, I ask that you do not use or refer to any outside sources other that than those specifically assigned for the course. That said, if you choose to incorporate material from unassigned secondary sources, you must provide proper citations. To be counted, response papers must be submitted electronically to Turnitin via Blackboard before the first class in which a particular film is discussed. Please also submit a hardcopy of your response paper at the end of class. With the exception of excused absences, late responses will not be counted.

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