Responses should be directly to the inviduals, atlease 150 words each and include direct questions.

Describe substances, mainly bases, that are used to counteract excess stomach acid and relieve heartburn.
February 17, 2021
Question Current events shape or change the geographic aspects of the regions
February 17, 2021

Responses should be directly to the inviduals, atlease 150 words each and include direct questions.


When responding to your classmates for the reply posts requirement, take their research topic of interest and recommend a different type of research approach to the study of the topic they chose (Ex: “Another method that might also work is _______” or “Have you thought of the _________ method?” – we want to be respectful and professional and not criticize a classmate’s method choice) and explain why you would recommend that alternative method. Names of the individuals is provided next to each initial post. STUDENT 1 (Lion)

Hi everyone! My topic of interest is behavioral changes post marriage. The research method I chose is the survey method. This method however has two different approaches, one being “cross-sectional” and the other “longitudinal”. The difference between the two is that one is used for the quick gathering of information (cross-sectional) and the other for gathering information over long periods of time (longitudinal). I have chosen to employ the cross-sectional approach. Reason being, it allows for the collecting of specific information on many variables from subjects who don’t have to all be in the same place. This makes it very cost effective and since the questions are very specific, it makes for quick and easy interpretation of the data in most cases. This would be perfect for my research since I would be administering the survey to a large number of subjects across state borders.

The downside to this method however is that, it cannot be used for in-depth studies since a cross-sectional survey is only administered once. You also run the risk of getting answers based on the subjects view or mood at the time the survey is completed and therefore might not be a true reflection of the subjects real views. For example; If my flight has been delayed for ten hours and i’m sitting in the airport annoyed. Any airline survey given to me at that time would receive very low ratings. But had they asked me prior to my delay, I would’ve been more likely to give a positive feedback. Surveys are also not always done at the first time of asking or get completed for that matter, so patience might be required.

Handbook of Research on Scholarly Publishing and Research Methods, edited by Victor C.X. Wang, IGI Global, 2014. ProQuest Ebook Central, https://ebookcentral-proquest-com.ezproxy1.apus.ed…?docID=3313130. STUDENT 2 ( Tarvis )

This week we were to discuss and explain, what type of research we would use in the research of a behavior we would be interested in learning more about. Based on the readings from our lesson I chose to go with a case study research style. The reason I went with a case study is because I would want a very in depth analyzes on what it is I’m researching. With a case study you can observe certain group such as a working party of 25 sailors and observe them closely for an extended time. I could then observe another working party of different sailors and compare the two. The cons about a case study would be that you are not able to observe large groups all at once and have effective results. I was drawn to this research method because it is very effective and produces accurate results. I feel that the time spent to conduct the research could be a problem since its not as simple as lets say a survey. Also, case studies would cost more time and money then most other researching methods. I would see about using two different research methods, I would implement the survey method as well. The survey method could be used to gather information within a large population and if worded correctly and given many different answer choices, you could retrieve very detailed feedback. One of the cons of a survey would be if people don’t take it honestly and just click through it.

Reference: Lindecker, C. (Ed.). (2017). Introduction to psychology. CogBooks: American Public University System

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