Selecting Strategy business and finance assignment help

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March 8, 2023

Selecting Strategy business and finance assignment help

Weekly tasks or assignments (Individual or Group Projects) will be due by Monday, and late submissions will be assigned a late penalty in accordance with the late penalty policy found in the syllabus. NOTE: All submission posting times are based on midnight Central Time.

Select an organizational issue, problem, or topic that you would like to research. You have the option to either write a narrative 800-1,000 word paper or create a 6-8 slide (not including title/reference slides) PowerPoint about your proposed research.

Either choice requires you to include the following information:

  • The business, organizational problem, or topic
  • The problem statement
  • The research strategy that you will use to explore the problem
  • 1 research question or hypothesis
  • Your rationale for selecting your proposed research strategy
  • 1 research instrument that you will use to collect data

In addition, you must develop a questionnaire or survey. Complete the following steps:

  • Create 5 research questions for your study.
  • Send your research survey to at least 5 people.

You will interpret the results of this survey in Week 5.

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