Conduct a systematic search of relevant databases to find research-based evidence related to a nursing problem.
March 12, 2021
Identify two areas of nursing practice, which evidence-based practice has improved patient outcomes.
March 12, 2021

sociological research

Develop your one-two page comments the following topics:

you should write 1or 2 pages on each topics .

topic 1:
1)The Stanford Prison Experiment: Provide details on this classic research experiment. What was the purpose? What did the experiment reveal about relationships between guards and prisoners as well as human behavior?

topic 2:
2)Select one of the following sociologists and provide details on their backgrounds, critical writings and scholarly contributions on social issues.
Cornell West
bell hooks
Michael Eric Dyson
Kimberle Crenshaw
Ta-nehisi Coates

topic 3:
3)What Is Privilege? Social Experiment
watch the vidieo and then write what did you understand from the social Experiment

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