South Africa s Wine Industry business and finance homework help

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March 10, 2023
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March 10, 2023

South Africa s Wine Industry business and finance homework help

Create an APA formatted report using the country of South Africa’s wine industry and addressing the following criteria:

To begin your final project, you will submit a short paper with your country, industry, and company overview, and a description of your country’s specific trade policies. Provide a brief overview where you select a specific international market and a company within a selected industry. Imagine you are an international consultant. You are working on providing a client with highly specific analysis of a particular international market, while keeping in mind the industry that the client is in.
1) Are the trade policies in your selected international market sufficiently competitive to attract new companies in a particular industry?
2) Are the trade barriers in your selected market low and beneficial in order for new companies to succeed in a specified industry?
3) What changes in trade policies, trade barriers, or new trade agreement alliances would make the country more competitive and desirable for your particular industry and company?
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
I. Country, Industry, and Company Overview:
o Provide brief overview of the chosen international market.
o Provide a brief overview of the chosen industry in which your company is operating.
o Provide a brief background of the company you have selected.
o Include the nature of the company’s products or services.
II. Trade Policies: Describe the country’s specific trade policies geared toward foreign multinational corporations (MNCs).
A. Define trade policies in your specific international market. Consider drawing from multiple sources in your definition.
B. Determine the implications of the trade policies on your company. Do these policies ease or hinder your company’s business? Why?
C. Determine the implications of the trade policies on your industry. Do these policies ease or hinder the industry within the specific international market? Why?
D. Determine the implications of the trade policies on consumers. Do these policies hinder the consumer’s purchasing power within the specific international market? Why?

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