staffing organizations 6

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staffing organizations 6

PLEASE ANSWER: Think about a time when you were part of a staffing process. Describe the situation using as many details as possible. Then, recommend three (3) areas in which the staffing process could have been improved. Justify your answer.

Please also respond to classmate initial discussion whether you agree or disagree with what they are saying: I was once part of the staffing process for my previous employer. I was the HR Generalist. I was responsible for the daily management of HR operations under the HR manager. We provided skills testings, new employee testing, reference checks, and background checks. The staffing process executed was okay but, needed some improvement. The on boarding process was very good because it was held at another location, however once you were at the location where you were to fulfill your assignment duties there wasn’t any time given to be introduced to your fellow employees to try and get to know each other. Also, the training we had in place during that time needed to be updated. We had to work with over 5 different computer systems but during our training everything was done through power points and paper. I am a more of a hands on person and I feel that we should have had all means to learn to do so by getting to maneuver through the computer system to familiarize yourself with it. Also another area in which staffing could be improved and I honestly cant stress this enough from previous jobs but,every jobs staffing process is to hire individuals with previous employment history and work experience. I feel everyone needs a opportunity by all means. However, hiring someone without any experience at all can sometimes be harder to train and may take longer. By making sure they have some experience even if its not a lot could cut down on training times.

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