The allure of luxury writing assignment help

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The allure of luxury writing assignment help

there are 2 different essay that need to be reading, then write a new paper .

1 it must contain one thesis statement in the end of first  paragraph,  then have to 3 body graphs with topic sentence in order to support the these statement. 

 2 one body paragraph need 2 quote that choose in different 2 essay, and quote should set up, integrated, punctuated, and cite properly, the quote should  analyze it not summarize it.

 3 In the essay, no ‘I’ or ‘In my opinion’, no’ people ‘.

 4 In the first paragraph, the author need introduce about  2 essay, and summarize their points in 1st paragraph.

 5 Transitions between paragraphs are not just mechanical, but explain real connection between real ideal in paragraph.

 6 all body paragraphs effectively support the thesis.

7 essay need MLA style, and i will give you a sample writing that i have been written, please follow that format.

8 this essay should have 5 paragraph, 1 introduction paragraph, 3 body paragraph, and one conclusion

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