The Arts and Royalty Philosophers Debate Politics

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The Arts and Royalty Philosophers Debate Politics

“The Arts and Royalty; Philosophers Debate Politics” Please respond to one (1) of the following, using sources under the Explore heading as the basis of your response:

  • In this week’s readings, a dispute in the French royal court is described about whether Poussin or Rubens was the better painter. Take a painting by each, either from our book or a Website below, and compare them and explain which you prefer. There is another conflict between the playwright Moliere and a well-born Parisian; Louis XIV stepped in. Explain how Louis XIV used the various arts and his motives for doing so. Identify one (1) example of a modern political leader approaching the arts this way.
  • The philosophers Thomas Hobbes and John Locke disagreed on the understanding of political authority, with Locke taking what is commonly called the “liberal” view. Choose a side (be brave perhaps; take a side you actually disagree with). Using the writings of each given in our class text or at the Websites below, make your case for the side you chose and against the other side. Identify one (1) modern situation in the world where these issues are significant.


The Arts and Royalty

Philosophers Debate Politics

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