Dealing with Crisis in Human Services
March 30, 2021
ENGLISH 3 regular highschool course English homework help
March 30, 2021

The Case for Slavery


When we think of the term argument, we likely envision some type of heated discussion where people are upset, feelings are hurt, and we cannot connect with our ideas. Within the context of our critical thinking class, the term argument takes on a different meaning. Here, an argument is really the presentation of our ideas. We provide our support, facts, evidence, and data to give us really good reasons to accept a conclusion. Our supportive facts are known as our premises and our premises should give us those good reasons for accepting the conclusion. Together, our premises and our conclusion constitute our argument. This is quite different than having hurt feelings and being upset!


Begin by reviewing Rosenthal’s article, The Case for Slavery,…
Identify the premises each author is using to support the conclusions presented. Take notes or highlight and mark the premises and conclusions.
Step One – Outline the premises and conclusions for each of the arguments presented in the article. Use the premise conclusion form to identify the premises and conclusions.
Premise –
Premise –
Conclusion –
Step Two – Create two new arguments. You will create one argument in support of the issue and one argument against the issue. Present your two new arguments in the premise conclusion form. Include one scholarly article and one peer to peer review to support each side of your new arguments. 600+ words and APA-formatted with citation/reference.

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