the dramatized version of The Laramie Project

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March 13, 2021

the dramatized version of The Laramie Project

Your Feeling on the Matter

It is no secret that our nation and our public conversation about LGBT matters has changed in the last, not only 100 years, but more drastically in the last 20 years. This latest generation of kids (Millennials) have grown up in the most accepting and diverse American culture to date with respect to LGBT individuals, their families, and the issues they stand for.

This week we watched the dramatized version of The Laramie Project. A play that was written to expose and relay the stories and horrific events of that day that happened to Mathew Shepard. As mentioned before, this is a play that is performed all over the United States. This play, like so many other plays that deal with LGBT themes and issues have been coming more and more to the fray of our national and public conversation. We have seen the rise of gay and lesbian characters in all of our entertainment including TV, film, and of course the Theatre. We see how the last 20 years of LGBT pointed entertainment has shaped the political discourse of our nations power brokers. We are changing laws and shaping society to a far greater degree in even the last 5 years so as to tackle the discrimination against this particular group. Gay marriages are now legal all over the states and those that would decry the LGBT lifestyle as something to be covered or shunned for cultural or religious reasons are now beginning to be seen as radical and out of touch where just 10-15 years ago those same voices held the majority of political power in our nation. How far we have come from even prop 8 in California that would have legalized same sex marriage in the state but was soundly struck down in 2008. If that prop was up for vote today it would win resoundingly.

The waves of change are boundless and can be seen almost daily as we here more reports of judges, states, and the federal government ending discrimination all over the nation. Remember that a historic ruling from the US Supreme court, you can be gay and allowed to marry who you love and with who makes you happy in all 50 states.

Here is the question(s) I have……

In light of the play you have now watched, the articles you have read, your research and your own general awareness and knowledge of the state of our national discourse with respect to LGBT issues:

Do you feel that it has been a positive 15 to 20 years for Gay and Lesbian issues, their families and the way we feel about them?

Do you feel that we have moved in a positive way as a nation since the Mathew Shepard event in 1998? Why or why not?

How and why do you believe we have changed so quickly in our society toward the LGBT community?

Have you seen any change in your own life with how you feel or behave toward Gay and Lesbian individuals?

Would you watch a play or view a film or television that highlights LGBT themes and values? Why or why not?




Do you feel that it has been a positive 15 to 20 years for Gay and Lesbian issues, their families and the way we feel about them?

For the large majority for the past 15 to 20 years, there has been a lot of positive impact towards the LGBT community through social acceptance, understanding, compassion, and new laws that protect individuals who are LGBT. However, after President Obama has left office, there has been a lot of changes through legislation that protects LGBT individuals. For example, our current President has vocally expressed his views towards people who are in the LGBT community by removing any positive legislation that protects their rights and safety under the laws that President Obama has created. In a way in current society, we have gone back a bit when it comes to progress. There have been more vocal individuals in our society, mostly found in Middle America, where their racist and discriminatory views have been expressed through their voices and actions towards others. Lastly, I believe that it really also depends on where you live as well. If you live in Middle America then views towards LGBT individuals are not the social norm where a majority of people would be understanding compared to living in a more liberal area like California.

Do you feel that we have moved in a positive way as a nation since the Mathew Shepard event in 1998? Why or why not?

– Yes and no in a sense where progress was made between the last 15-20 years, however, it has gone back recently with our new President.

How and why do you believe we have changed so quickly in our society toward the LGBT community?

– I believe that it quickly changed because of compassion, understanding, and acceptance. I also believe that this change caused a ripple effect in people’s mind such as when someone changes their views, others are more prone to change as well. Social norm continues to change throughout history and this was nothing new. For example, interracial marriage was a big no-no until the 1960’s but now a large majority of Americans don’t care about mix breeding and accept this due to the fact that it is the matter between two individuals who love each other.

Have you seen any change in your own life with how you feel or behave toward Gay and Lesbian individuals?

– I have always been open and accepting of others who are different from me. I find it interesting to ask them questions and listen to their stories. However, I still am a bit confused about the LGBT communities at times because it’s constantly changing and evolving. For example, I didn’t know the difference between pansexuality and bisexuality since both definitions for these terms were rather similar but I was told that they stand very different from each other. I found that the things that I did not understand did not discourage me from learning but rather it made me more willing to understand topics and individuals who are different from me.

Would you watch a play or view a film or television that highlights LGBT themes and values? Why or why not?

– I would! That would allow me to empathize and understand those in the LGBT community more and incorporate my understanding and knowledge towards others around me who view them in a negative way as “abominations” or is filled with hate towards them for no real reason. I believe that if others are more open to learn new things and to actively listen then there’s a lot of opportunity for change in our society.


Do you feel that it has been a positive 15 to 20 years for Gay and Lesbian issues, their families and the way we feel about them?

– In my opinion I think it is slowly becoming positively accepted in our society compared to the 15 to 20 years. Of course everyone continues to have their own views in this matter who still oppose to this however, we have made progress as a country with passing the same-sex marriage laws and propositions. For the families, I assume some still do not accept their loved ones sexuality due to their own sets of beliefs. Some might just have worries for anyone being discriminated in which it is still a major concern that still occurs.

Do you feel that we have moved in a positive way as a nation since the Mathew Shepard event in 1998? Why or why not?

-Since the Mathew Shepard event in 1998, I do believe we have made progress since this was a hate crime that gained worldwide attention. In 2009, President Obama had even signed into law The Matthew Shepard and James Byrd Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act, a law that made it a federal crime to assault someone based on their sexual orientation or gender identity. Despite the progress that has been made, there still continues to be discrimination amongst these individuals. Personally, I feel that now that we have a president who has strong opinions about the LGBT community it does place more barriers for things to progress in a positive way.

How and why do you believe we have changed so quickly in our society toward the LGBT community?

– The rapid acceptance of the LGBT community is due to the constant awareness that has been gained through the laws that have been passed and constant protest to fight for these rights. Along with the constant media that has surrounded these issues one faces as well involving discrimination and hate crimes that have been eye opening for everyone.

Have you seen any change in your own life with how you feel or behave toward Gay and Lesbian individuals?

-Since middle school I have had friends who are either gay or lesbian, I never had any negative views towards it since I honestly saw it normal having feeling for someone is the same for anyone. I was thankful to know my friends who grew up that way were proud to come out at early age since I know it is not easy to be accepted in other places. Especially gaining acceptance from family members is crucial on how one grows up in the Latino culture in where it isn’t easily accepted. I have always considered everyone the same, never treated anyone different over a sexuality it does not change who they are as a person. Personality to me is everything.

Would you watch a play or view a film or television that highlights LGBT themes and values? Why or why not?

-Of course I would watch any play, film or T.V. show that highlights LGBT themes and values. It is actually important to watch and be more aware in order to have a better understanding of what one faces and giving everyone an opportunity to learn more on what it is like for them.

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