the forms and methods that women might use to record and comment upon current events

income statement 10
April 4, 2021
2 page reading analysis i will provide the reading
April 4, 2021

the forms and methods that women might use to record and comment upon current events

In many cultures, women record the history of their communities in their craftwork.

Quilts are an example of an artform that represents and documents the life of a family or a community both pictorially and in the types of material used.
Weaving, ceramics, clothing design, these are some ways that culture is recorded.

Please write eight to ten sentences regarding the forms and methods that women might use to record and comment upon current events based upon your reading in the textbook and the websites below.
Please include any other sites that you find interesting.

The textbook examines this topic on pages 216-219.

Required Textbook: Prebles’ Artforms. Patrick Frank.

Eleventh ed. Pearson/Prentice Hall. 2014.…

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