The Legal Landscape law assignment help

January 12, 2021

The Legal Landscape law assignment help

Write A TWO PARAGRAPH COMMENT after conducting research on only ONE OF THE THREE TOPICS listed below:

  • In your opinion should the US government law enforcement personnel be permitted to arrest terrorists, who commit crimes against Americans in other countries? Or against Americans within the United States, but the terrorist (co-conspirator or leader) remains physically outside of the Untied States?
  • In your opinion should the US Government have jurisdiction over cybercrimes which affect US interests within the United States, but the offender commits their crimes outside of the US Borders via the internet?
  • In your opinion should the US and state Governments be required to examine DNA evidence in all closed capital offense crimes where the offender was convicted prior to the discovery of a process to examine DNA?
  • 2 paragraphs with references no cover page
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