The Role of the Financial Manager SLP business and finance homework help

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March 12, 2023
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March 12, 2023

The Role of the Financial Manager SLP business and finance homework help

For this assignment, go to the Yahoo Stock Screener and use this page to find a publicly traded company that you find interesting and would like to study for this class. The company should not be a bank or a financial institution of any kind including insurance companies.

Write a two to three page paper discussing what you find interesting about this company, and whether or not you think this company will have a successful future. Get to the company’s web site, into the “investors relations” section and provide some financial highlights of your company for the past year. Indicate which stock exchange the company is listed on and what was the past 12 month rate of return (% gain or loss) to investors who bought shares of this company a year ago and sold the shares yesterday. This rate of return is called the one-year Holding Period Return, or HPR. Also state what is the most recent price of the shares on the company?

In addition discuss briefly some information about the top management team including the CEO and CFO. If there are any issues involved with the company that relate to the issues discussed in the case assignment, mention them briefly as well.

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