The United States and the European Union: Cultural, Political and Legal Differences in Approach to Modernity (US_EU)

Rank the three patient health issues that were selected in part 1 in order of priority. Provide a rationale for the order of the rankings. The rationale must be supported with current literature.
April 5, 2021
parenthetical citations mla practice
April 5, 2021

The United States and the European Union: Cultural, Political and Legal Differences in Approach to Modernity (US_EU)

Requirements: students are required to write a paper of around 3500 words on one of the topics provided in the list below. The paper should have the form of a scholarly paper, with evidence, notes, bibliography if appropriate.

Evidence & Format

Your paper has to meet all formal standards as presented in ‘IR Essay Writing Standard’ and Thesis Manual available on student resources (zasoby) under course1 and course 2. These include:

  • Requirements relating to a scholarly paper, such as providing evidence that supports your theses, statements and claims, as well as proper referencing. Bibliography should have a sufficient number of academic sources (at least 10 for papers of 1500 words and 20 for 2500 or more words)
  • Editing rules: title page; font, Times New Roman 12; margins, 2,5 cm; double space between verses; italics for book/periodical titles; single quotation marks, etc. The paper must be logically structured (introduction; the main body subdivided into paragraphs; conclusions) and meet the minimum language standards.
  • Plagiarism: be aware that anything copied without quotation marks and references is treated as plagiarism

List of topics:

  1. Critically evaluate the different axiological assumptions of the European Union and the United States in their response to the immigration crisis.
  1. Assess the ideological assumptions of the EU’s and the US’ approaches to their historical past and their influence onto the contemporary policies by providing relevant examples.
  1. Appraise the European Union as a federal state from the perspective of its historical origins, ideological assumptions and critical assessment of the project.
  1. Explain the different assumptions of the European Union as the first post-political project and the American defense of a political nation state. Provide a critical assessment of their consequences.
  1. Explain (by means of a critical assessment) the differences between the American and the European Enlightenments and their consequences for the present day disagreements between the EU and the US.
  1. The original European integration project of the 40’s and the 50’s and its modifications by the post-1968 elites – critically evaluate similarities and differences and their political, economic and cultural consequences.
  1. Critically evaluate the post-colonial model of development (core vs. periphery) as applied to the internal evolution of the European Union at the turn of the 21st century.

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