Theresa Schiavo Who was ethically correct her husband or her parents health and medicine homework help

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Theresa Schiavo Who was ethically correct her husband or her parents health and medicine homework help

) Read the timeline of the Schiavo case at:

2) Do some of your own independent research on Terri Schiavo. You must have at least five (5) sources cited in your paper.

3) Analyze the research in order to determine who was ethically correct in your opinion; the husband or the parents.

4) Write a persuasive research paper on your findings, thoughts, and opinions. Pick a side, and defend it.

5) Your paper should be at least three (3) full pages, but no more than five (5) full pages. You should have two additional pages: one with your sources, and one as a cover page.

6) Please cite to all sources using either footnotes or endnotes. If you are unfamiliar with this, please refer to the APA website for formatting help: (

7) Use quotation marks properly when citing your sources. Again, please refer to the site above for help with quotations.

8) No more than 20% of your paper can be a direct quote. I want YOUR analysis, not something that is copied from a website.

9) Your paper should have one-inch margins all around, typed in Times New Roman (12″) font, and must be saved as an MS Word document (doc.).

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