transformative leadership human services

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January 17, 2021
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January 17, 2021

transformative leadership human services

Stories of Transformative Leadership in the Human Services.

Write a 850- to 1,000-word paper that addresses the following:

  • Define self-care. What is this agency’s philosophy toward self-care? Evaluate how this philosophy benefits the staff and the work they do with clients? Discuss ramifications when self-care is not used in the human services profession.
  • This agency functions better than the agency described in Part I. How much of this has to do with values? Where do their values differ and where do they overlap? How much of the agency’s success in Part II is based on implementation of values?
  • Describe the role staff self-awareness plays in their success.
  • The agency in Part II created a certain set of principles for their professional lives. Provide three examples of these and explain how they benefited the staff. How might these benefit you?

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

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