Travel journal Italy English homework help

January 12, 2021

Travel journal Italy English homework help

Answering the following question based the experiences what i provide here

We are in Italy with a study abroad program, today we traveled Pompeii which is a really old historic city in south of italy, write a lot about Mountain Vesuvio at the first part and the seconds but also a little bit about Pompeii ancient city, today was really hot. The way we were hiking was really hard, and full of sands, and do some researches online about.(dont need to be sources using during the paragraph) I enjoyed the view and natures when i was on the top of Vesuvio, even i was so tired and trying many times to give up hiking. Then to he third part just write about the Pompeii ancient city for whatever reasons, cuz we just went to a part of the city there. Lastly to the last part, just write about it based on standing cultures and international stuffs.

  1. Provide an overview of the overall experience from throughout the day. (1-2 paragraphs)
  2. What was your favorite piece from this experience? Why? (1 paragraph)
  3. What was your least favorite piece from this experience? Why? How can we change this to improve the program? (1 paragraph)
  4. Explain how you would sell this location and activities to tourists (be sure to identify target audience; try to use a different target audience for each reflection). (1-2 paragraphs)
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