Unit III Assessment history homework help

January 12, 2021

Unit III Assessment history homework help


Can you please review and make the necessary correction. My professor comments were as follows:

” I’ve reviewed the revisions to Unit III that you sent and they do need further development. I think that you do better understand what that means after working with the Writing Center. Did you want to send new drafts for Unit III?”

This is information from the writing center:

I work in the CSU Writing Center. Dr. Courey had gotten in contact with me to assist you in improving your paraphrasing skills. She also sent me an excerpt from your discussion post versus what your reference said to help me get a better understanding of where the issue lied. I made a short video for you that goes over your work and tips for improving your paraphrasing skills. You can watch it at the following link:http://columbiasouthern.adobeconnect.com/p11znre27zj/?OWASP_CSRFTOKEN=de2f22ebdc933607de3963e81751a1ea554c66db7903920ad21e642dd13d57e4

Here is advice from the Professor:


Our overall topic today is about power and culture. Although they ask about different parts of the ancient world, each question asks about the distribution of power. As you think about the specific question, you might consider brainstorming along one or more of these lines.

  • Is the form of power linked to the kinds of wealth available and its distribution?
  • What is the role of the military in a specific region in shaping how power is exerted and distributed?
  • How do rulers deploy non-military and non-technological aspects of culture to bolster their power?
  • Which structures appear to have power but actually have none?
  • What are the unintended consequences of power distribution?

As always, we are looking for your conclusion rather than a rephrasing of a section of the book. Having read through the book, what conclusion doyou draw? Lead with that and then use some specific examples to explain your choice. No matter what the question is, once you have drawn your conclusion and stated it, the rest of your work will focus on choosing and explaining how the most relevant details back up your choice. It might be helpful to you to think about this in relation to today. Once you have your “hypothesis” or insight, though, please focus only on the past, use data only from the past, and draw a conclusion about significance to the past rather than to us.

Thoughts: Greek vs. Roman Heroes as models for Captain America: Civil War (Iron Man vs. Captain America)?

How do cultures influence each other and how do they evolve. In history, the differences say more than the similarities so compare to find differences and the reasons for them.

Our heroes are excellent indications of what a culture professes to value. For example, the representations of Odysseus and Aeneas, heroes in the great epics produced by Ancient Greece and Rome, reflect and create different kind of citizens. Our monsters may be analyzed as projections of our cultural value, too. What boundaries and values dear to us do they threaten?

“Homer is concerned with the relation between the hero and his soul , and Virgil with the obligations of the hero to society.”



Course Textbook

McKay, J. P., Hill, B. D., Buckler, J., Crowston, C. H., Weisner-Hanks, M. E., & Perry, J. (2014). A history of Western society: From antiquity to the enlightenment (11th ed., Vol. 1). Boston, MA: Bedford/St. Martin’s.


I need this back by Tuesday, May 23,2017

Remember to be as original as possible. No plagiarism and please note all quotation and citation appropriately and add the page number and paragraph number to each citation.


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