May 3, 2021
Write a short essay
May 3, 2021

urgent question

read this article ( included in the attachment file)

and answer these questions

In the article “Translating Stories Across Cultures”, the author talks about the subject from two distinct angles. One, the most obvious, is the stories themselves. The other is the theory contemporary to her time which explains how and why people tell and understand stories.

Please do the following:

1) Look up one of the theorists mentioned (Heidegger, etc…) and give us a rough idea of what she/he is famous for and what she/he was writing about in the referenced article.

2) Think of a story you were told as a child by your family. Quickly summarize it, and tell us who you were “translating” it for when you did so.

3) Think about how Kurosawa made his changes to Macbeth when directing Throne of Blood. How did he translate this story across cultures? Choose one change, and explain how it is cross-cultural translation.

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