Use a social determinants of health lens and discuss a social determinant topic of their choice to write a letter to the Minister of Health

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Use a social determinants of health lens and discuss a social determinant topic of their choice to write a letter to the Minister of Health

Use a social determinants of health lens and discuss a social determinant topic of their choice to write a letter to the Minister of Health

Social determinants of health Custom Essay

Hello, I would like from the writer to write letter to the Federal Minister of Health (3-4 pages maximum): The purpose of this assignment is for students to Use a social determinants of health lens and discuss a social determinant topic of their choice to write a letter to the Minister of Health, Honourable Rona Ambrose, to ask the federal government to take action to address poverty in Canada.

In this letter, students must identify a clear position related to the topic choice (e.g., people working in the service industry need higher wages), evidence to support their position (e.g. 2-3 academic references) and one or two specific actions they want the federal government to take (e.g., increase minimum wage to $15.00 per hour.

Evidence to support these actions is also required; 1-2 academic references.) as a means to reduce poverty in Canada. Relate this topic to the social determinants of health. There are two components for this assignment:

Submit paper copy of the Letter: Students are to write their letter to the federal Minister of Health, Honourable Rona Ambrose. This letter should not be more than two pages in length. Referencing for this Assignment: It is not normal practice to reference statements in a letter; however, for this course in-text references are required for statements/evidence presented in the letter. T

o save on space in the letter, students are to use a number system to reference (e.g., the first reference used would be represented by a subscript 1 and listed in the reference list with the number one in front and then list the reference information in APA format).




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