Watch Michael Moore s Where To Invade Next 2016 history homework help

January 12, 2021

Watch Michael Moore s Where To Invade Next 2016 history homework help

Watch Michael Moore’s “Where To Invade Next.” (2016)You can find the film on Amazon Prime, Netflix mail-in or other sources.

After watching the film write a two-page summary and discussion that answers the following questions:

1. Discuss at least three ideas/systems that Michael Moore found in European/ NorthAfrican nations that you think should or could be implemented in the United States.

2. According to the film what percent of U.S. tax payer dollars go to the military?

3. Are there any ideas/systems that he discusses that you think would not work in the United States? Why?

4. The movie itself has a sense of optimism about the future of life in America. How doesMichael Moore suggest that American’s can make their country better? Be specific.

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